Saturday, 30 April 2011

Names for the chicks!

The chicks have names!!!!!!

Rhode Island Red:  Demeter

Plymouth Rock (Black and White): Papagena  

Plymouth Rock (Black): Medio Pollito (Nickname, Medly)  


Thursday, 28 April 2011


You have 11 hours to vote about names for the chicks.
Check in later to find out the names for each chick!!!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Day 8

A week has gone by since I got the chicks and boy have they grown! Goodbye baby chick fuzz. They are now decked out in wing feathers (and starting to get tail feathers and body feathers ) they are flapping about testing the roost and jumping all over the place, excited that there wings now fit there body (lol) There minds have also grown sharper and they've grown more used to me. In fact today the black chick and the orange chick slept in my hand!!! The black and white chick is more cautious, but is more relaxed around me then she used to be. Also I think I have figured out the pecking order here are my guesses:

  1. The Rhode Island red is the highest in the pecking order I could tell it from day one. She is also not frightened to remind the other chicks that she is on top! I think she is the most calm around me out of the three chicks
  2. The black Plymouth rock is second in the pecking order, even though she is the smallest she is one fierce chick! She has gotten a lot calmer around me then she was in the beginning BUT I think she gets frightened the easiest. Maybe that's the reason she has gotten a lot calmer around me
  3. Last but NOT least is the black and white plymouth rock. She is like a little mother for the other chicks, always worried when I take one of the other two out of the brooder, and the lightest sleeper out of the three chicks (always jumping awake if there is a loud noise) She is also was the last one of the chicks to get wing feathers

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Day 7

I have decided that it would be really sad if I had no pictures of me holding the chicks on my blog. So here is my attempt to remedy that situation. I took the pictures with the camera in one hand and the chick in the other (:

Feeding Time!!!

I've gotten to the point with the chicks that after I am done picking them up and put the chick back in the brooder the chick will hang out on my hand for a bit before she hops off.


Monday, 25 April 2011

Day 6 Sleepy Babys

The Black and white chick is the lightest sleeper. Cause she woke up when I tried to take a picture (;


Thursday, 21 April 2011


If you can't see the poll options then here is the order
Medio Pollito (Nickname, Medly)

MORE Pictures!!!

                              Amazing picture took by Bronwyn (above)

       The chick is standing on Grit (: When the chicks eat grit it helps the them mix the food in there stomach.


Cool blog

Here is a link to a Blog made by Jenna Woginrich (hope I spelt her name right) she is the author of 'Made from scratch' and 'Chick days' If you haven't read them you SHOULD!!!!

Thinking Of Names

Please tell me what you think about these names for the chicks! I've tried to come up creative names.

  1. Demeter: Why I Picked this,   The greek goddess of Horticulture and agriculture  
  2. Papagena: Why I Picked this, One of the characters in the Magic Flute (Opera)
  3. Medio Pollito (Nickname, Medly) : Why I Picked this, Have you read the story about Medio Pollito the half chick??? Go and Type in Medio Pollito into your computer and you will find the story.         Did you find it? Good. I like the version when Medio Pollito helps the water, fire and air, instead of not helping them. If you didn't find the story I will post my favorite version today or tomorrow (:      
p.s I have not decided who to name what yet.

Sleepy Chicks

Who wouldn't want to take pictures of baby chicks!!!!
                                                The breeds of the chicks are these(from left to right) 
Plymouth Rock (Adult plumage: Hopefully Black) Plymouth Barred Rock (Adult plumage: Hopefully Barred a.k.a speckled black and white) Rhode Island Red (Adult Plumage: Reddy brown with white)   


Day 2 Chicks

So I have Finally found a lop hole in the camera system and here is a picture of Each Chick!!!!

Last Night before I went to bed I checked on the chicks and before I left the room I whispered "Goodnight"
And one of the chicks (right after I said goodnight) went peep just once!
I left that room with a smile (:

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


So today of all days the camera won't download pictures ):


Today I get the Chicks!!!!!
Look for pictures this afternoon (:

Friday, 15 April 2011

The Co-Op

There are only 5 more days till I get the chicks. Sooo Me, Rachel, Bronwyn and Mallory decided to  take a trip to the Buckingham Co-Op (BCO), a store that specializes in food and Equipment for Animals.
After 30min of  driving and lots of music (I had brought my MP3 player) We arrived, walking into the store I was quite surprised to see clothes, shoes and belts. 
But, whatever I thought if they have chick feeders, chicken food and wood shavings I will be happy
We searched all over and finally found a waterer to my liking and also the top of a chick feeder. We walked over to the check out counter to ask if they had a bottom for the chick feeder (thankfully the woman behind the counter spoke english) and she said... No.....but there a different feeder that had slightly sharper edges but would still work.

To turn a long story into a slightly shorter story (Bronwyn and Mallory are yelling at me to come outside and play)
We drove away from that store with everything needed for the chicks:  A chick Feeder, A chick Waterer, Chicken Feed and Pine shavings. 
I have the brooder (a.k.a chick house) set up in the Yellow bathroom with a light on (I am trying to get the  temperature to 32 celcius) and won't have to run around getting equipment at the last minute, Phew

Below are pictures of what I got at the Co-Op:

Chicken Feed

Pine Shavings

Chick Waterer

                                           Chick Feeder


The first flowers of Spring!!!!!

A few days ago (when we still had a fair amount of snow) a glanced down at the front garden of our house. I had to look again. Peeking up from the ground were .... FLOWERS!!!

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Maple Syrup

We taped 6 trees this year for maple syrup and after tons of boiling sap we've got our first to jars!!!
Below are pictures from tree to syrup (I will include the boiling part when we start boiling sap again)
                                                     Don't you love our lids??? lol


Syrup YIPEEE!!!!!!!!!