Thursday, 21 April 2011

Thinking Of Names

Please tell me what you think about these names for the chicks! I've tried to come up creative names.

  1. Demeter: Why I Picked this,   The greek goddess of Horticulture and agriculture  
  2. Papagena: Why I Picked this, One of the characters in the Magic Flute (Opera)
  3. Medio Pollito (Nickname, Medly) : Why I Picked this, Have you read the story about Medio Pollito the half chick??? Go and Type in Medio Pollito into your computer and you will find the story.         Did you find it? Good. I like the version when Medio Pollito helps the water, fire and air, instead of not helping them. If you didn't find the story I will post my favorite version today or tomorrow (:      
p.s I have not decided who to name what yet.