Thursday, 18 August 2011

Big Changes

My plan with having chickens had been to have at most 4 hens to have as pets and also to get some eggs from.  
Well, this plan has totally went down the drain, for good or for bad, I will find out in a few months.
Your probably thinking What is she talking about? or What changed her mind?
It changed with a few words from Grant:  "If your going to have chickens you might as well have enough  so we won't have to go to the grocery store to buy eggs".
So now I am going to get 6-8  hens ;) and maybe in the summer get 2 meat chickens.
The one main problem with that at the time was, Where am I going to find a chicken coop plan for up to 8 chickens? (the chicken coop I had bought plans for would only fit up to 4 chickens)
The answer came with the website BackYardChickens   
On BYC, users had sent in chicken coop designs and I found a design I liked: 

Time to go and find materials and level out the ground!!!



  1. Zoe - I have enjoyed this blog so much. I plan to subscribe so I don't miss any posts.

    I saw some wooden doors put out on the curb in our neighbourhood yesterday (they looked like very good wooden doors!) and my first thought was: I wonder if Zoe might need those for her new coop? Please let me know if there are any specific materials you need -- you find some pretty good stuff on the streets around here!
